JCVI: GenePattern Flow Cytometry Suite.
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Spidlen J, Barsky A, Breuer K, Carr P, Nazaire MD, Hill BA, Qian Y, Liefeld T, Reich M, Mesirov JP, Wilkinson P, Scheuermann RH, Sekaly RP, Brinkman RR

GenePattern Flow Cytometry Suite.

Source Code for Biology and Medicine. 2013 Sep 01; 8: 14.

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Traditional flow cytometry data analysis is largely based on interactive and time consuming analysis of series two dimensional representations of up to 20 dimensional data. Recent technological advances have increased the amount of data generated by the technology and outpaced the development of data analysis approaches. While there are advanced tools available, including many R/BioConductor packages, these are only accessible programmatically and therefore out of reach for most experimentalists. GenePattern is a powerful genomic analysis platform with over 200 tools for analysis of gene expression, proteomics, and other data. A web-based interface provides easy access to these tools and allows the creation of automated analysis pipelines enabling reproducible research.