Sequencing Core
Since the earliest days of the JCVI and its legacy organizations, innovations in DNA sequencing technologies have been keys to advancing our research. The JCVI's Sequencing Core — a high throughput DNA sequencing facility part of the JCVI campus in Rockville, MD — boasts a variety of sequencing technologies and staff supporting internal and collaborator projects.
From the sequencing of the first diploid human genome and the processing of thousands of environmental metagenomics samples from the Global Ocean Sampling Expedition, to the important work on influenza strains and other microbial projects, the Sequencing Core team is constantly churning out high quality DNA sequence data to help researchers change the world.
JCVI's high throughput sequencing production capabilities comprise an Illumina NextSeq 500, Illumina MiSeq, and Life Technologies Ion Torrent sequencer, along with supporting automation for library preparation.
Sequencing activities are supported by our informatics department and a highly trained scientific and technical team with expertise spanning biology, computer science and software engineering. The data is managed by a sophisticated bioinformatics system, including a Laboratory Information Management System, automated pipelines for quality control of sequence data, finishing, assembly, annotation, and tools supporting manual finishing and annotation.