JCVI: Research / Projects / Antarctica / Photos
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Antarctic Genomic and Proteomic Survey


Water sampling gear on the ice.


Killer whale checking out the scene on the ice.


Penguins leaping out of the water as they are chased by killer whales.


Light micrographs of a range of diatoms collected in Antarctic surface waters as part of the Allen (JCVI) and Saito (WHOI) led Polar Phytoplankton Genomics project. Species include Entomoneis spp., Pseudo-nitzschia spp., and Fragilariopsis spp. (pennate diatoms), Chatocerous spp., and Podsira cf. corolla (centric diatoms). Many of these species, and others, have been cultured as part of the project. (Images courtesy of field and culture technician Dawn Moran (WHOI).

Research  >  Antarctica  >  Photos